Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Survey on Emotion

Target audience: 18-25 years old

1. What is your gender?

o Male

o Female

2. What is your cultural background?

o European, Canadian, American, Australian, Russian

o Asian (Eastern and Oceanic)

o Asian (Middle Eastern, Indian and westward)

o Africa

o Latino/Spanish

3. What feeling/emotion do you like to see portrayed in artwork? (any type of art)

o Happiness

o Care

o Peacefulness

o Action

o Struggle

o Sorrow

4. What do you relate these feelings and emotions to?

o Colour

o Shapes

o People

o Style

o Symbols

5. What degree of emotional intensity do you like to see in artwork?

o Extremely intense

o Moderately intense

o Subtle intensity

o Underlying

6. Do you find artwork that relates to your life more interesting?

o Yes

o No

7. What emotion is the most beautiful to see in real life?

o Happiness

o Care

o Peacefulness

o Action

o Struggle

o Sorrow

Pick one.

o Real

o Fantasy

Pick one.

o Obvious meaning

o Symbolic meaning

Pick one.

o Real

o Warped

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